Join the North Carolina Culture Change Coalition
Please fill out the information below
Make sure you check out the information on membership levels before completing the form!
The Coalition meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1:00 PM EST virtually and/or in-person.
Active: Active members shall serve on at least one standing committee or volunteer their services for at least one Coalition project each year, and attend at least 6 coalition meetings per year with no absences lasting beyond 3 scheduled meetings in a row. They have full voting rights in Coalition elections.
Associate: Associate members shall receive all Coalition publications and mailings, including the monthly meetings and the newsletter. They shall be asked to volunteer their services in Coalition projects when possible. They are required to attend one meeting every six months either in person or through the telephone conference call capabilities. They are not permitted to vote in Coalition elections.
(you must be an active member to serve on a committee; associate members can participate in events planned and hosted by the committees)
Education - responsible for planning all of the Coalition's educational programs & workshops
Membership - processes all membership applications & reviews attendance data. Identifies opportunities for increasing Coalition's membership
Grants - reviews RFA applications prior to CMS submission
Ad Hoc - created as necessary by the Coalition chair