Letters of Commitment
CMS requires that Letters of Commitment from each participating facility be submitted with the project application. Recruitment of facilities or adding additional facilities to the project are not permitted after the project has been approved.
CMS requires the following information be included in a Letter of Commitment:
1. The project title
2. The project time frame (1, 2 or 3 years)
3. The nursing home's CCN number (CMS certification number)
4. The signature of an individual authorized to commit the nursing home
5. An acknowledgement from the nursing home that participation in this project and subsequent use of funding will count against their budget for that funding category.”
A sample Letter of Commitment is provided for applicant use. Applicants may use their own Letters or may use this template.
Project Participation
North Carolina provides a list of current CMP projects, their project categories, and the participating facilities. You are encouraged to view this LIST before reaching out to facilities to avoid solicitating a facility that is unable to participate in your project.
It is important to note that nursing homes can participate in more than one CMP-funded project as long as they follow guidelines implemented by CMS.
Resident/Family Council
Facilities are allowed a one-time maximum funding amount of $5,000 per facility
Consumer Information
Facilities are allowed a one-time maximum funding amount of $5,000 per facility
Quality of Care Training
Facilities are allowed a maximum funding amount of $5,000 per facility, per year with a max project period of 3 years.
Quality of Life Activities
Facilities are allowed a maximum funding amount of $5,000 per facility, per year with a max project period of 3 years.
Facilities may participate in more than one QOL activity project as long as the two projects do not fall under the same category. For a list of categories, click HERE.
Applicants submitting a new CMP project application in North Carolina will need to download both the NC RFA and the CMS 508 application forms. There is a budget template that is also recommended for use with your application. This needs to be submitted as a separate document with your final application and not embedded as part of your project narrative.
NC Request for Applications
CMS 508
The CMS 508 application is the template that an applicant needs to follow when developing the CMP application. The applicant will need to ensure that each section is outlined in the application, including a cover letter addressed to CMS. Pages 6-9 and 12 should be completely filled out and submitted to NCDHHS with your application.
Once an application is complete, it should be submitted electronically to brandi.jordan@dhhs.nc.gov
North Carolina DHHS/Division of Health Service Regulation offers the Culture Change Enhancement Grant through the North Carolina Culture Change Coalition. The RFA process can be found on the NCDHHS website, as well as the download link provided on this page.
Applications are submitted to North Carolina for review only. CMS is responsible for final approval of projects. North Carolina currently has an open application process. There is no deadline for application submission. Once applications are approved by CMS, the applicant/grantee will enter a contract with NCDHHS.